Target Stack Satellites Masterclass

Target Stack/Milestone Satellites are the new format taking over live poker. Get In on the act...


Unlike traditional satellites, seats are awarded when you reach a certain stack threshold. This is a dramatic difference to normal satellites where, in theory, you could win your seat with less than a starting stack.

In this video, we dispel a lot of myths about Target Stack Satellites and share the optimum strategy. It includes:

  • The different types of Target Stack Satellites
  • Why ICM matters (but is different) and why this format is NOT like a ChipEV cash game
  • How to work out the exact equity you need at any time in a Target Stack Satellite
  • Late registration strategies
  • How to play when you have 50% or less of a target stack
  • How to play when you almost have your seat
  • When to stall
  • Practical exploits
  • How to spot collusion in this format

This video also comes with our Milestone Satellite chapter from the updated edition of Poker Satellite Strategy. This video is an expansion of the themes explored in that chapter.

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