How to master post flop strategy when it matters the most
The next frontier in poker study is post flop ICM. Until very recently the secrets of how to adjust post flop on bubbles and final tables had only been available to a select group of elite players.
In this new course from ICM expert Dara O’Kearney you can learn about how to adjust your post flop strategy during the endgame stages of tournaments.
The endgame is where all the money is, and not knowing how to play on bubbles or final tables could be costing you a fortune in EV. This course could pay for itself if it prevents you making just one or two big mistakes when it matters the most.

What is Post Flop ICM all about?
This course covers every aspect of post flop ICM study, including:
- When to play tighter than Chip EV and when to be more aggressive
- How to play bubbles, final table bubbles and final tables (they all play very differently post flop)
- When its better to shove preflop instead of going to the flop
- Strategies for short, medium and big stacks post flop
- How betting strategy radically changes with ICM including sizings and when to lead
- Strategies for when players don’t fold or play like maniacs on the bubble
- Why payout structure dramatically changes how you should play
- A framework for how to study ICM post flop spots on your own
- New material being added all the time for all customers at no extra cost
This course covers the most up-to-date lessons about post flop ICM play from the solvers and breaks it down so that anybody can understand it.
NOTE: You don't need to own a solver to master post flop ICM, but you do need to know what the solvers are teaching the rest of us. That is what this course does.

Why was this course created?
Ever since his early days as one of the most successful satellite grinders the game has ever seen, Dara O’Kearney has been an ICM coach to elite players all around the world.
He regularly gets drafted as an ICM coach to do crash courses on endgame strategy by players who make big final tables like the WSOP, World Poker Tour and WCOOP.
He found himself repeating the same lessons over and over again, so he started writing books on the subject, most notably Endgame Poker Strategy: The ICM Book.
Not much was known about post flop ICM when that book was written, but in 2024 GTO Wizard launched post flop ICM as part of their offering. We are pleased to reveal that everything Dara said in Endgame Poker Strategy about post flop ICM was not only right, it was spot on.
There were, however, lessons from the solvers that did not make it into Endgame Poker Strategy, and this course reveals a lot of new insights into how to navigate tough ICM spots.
This new course from Dara O’Kearney builds on what he started in Endgame Poker Strategy and explores new areas he wasn’t able to previously.
Since GTO Wizard launched post flop ICM, a lot of players, even very successful ones, have struggled to make sense of what they were seeing.
The biggest crushers in the game are studying this area of poker right now. Don’t get left behind!

Who is this course for?
This course is a little bit more advanced than our other flagship course Tournament Poker Study Simplified, but we still simplify everything so that everyone can understand it.
It would suit an enthusiastic amateur or a professional player. We do think you should have a basic understanding of ICM and solvers. You don’t need to have read our previous work on the subject or have ever used a solver, but we are assuming you know, for example, that the strategy in tournaments changes towards the endgame stages.
We cover the basics in this course but if you don’t even know what we mean when we say ICM, you might be better off starting with our book Endgame Poker Strategy: The ICM Book.
In this course Barry Carter plays the role of the student and is with Dara for every video, asking the questions that you want to know and perhaps were too afraid to ask. Every advanced concept is stripped down and explained with players of all levels in mind.

Learn to study post flop ICM on your own
No single tournament spot is ever identical, the most important thing is getting the most important takeaways when studying, rather than trying to follow a cookie cutter strategy.
With that in mind, what this course does more than anything is provide you with a framework for studying post flop ICM spots on your own.
We show you the most important factors in any post flop ICM scenario and give you all the major questions you should be asking in your further study. This includes a framework for how to experiment and take your study to interesting new places.
The best reason to invest in this course is that you will confidently come away from it knowing you can improve even without a coach.

What's in the course?
- How to understand ICM
- Why preflop ICM strategy informs post flop ICM strategy
- How to study an ICM hand on your own
- At what stage in a tournament does post flop strategy change?
- Why a small change in payout structure can radically change your strategy
- How to play big stack vs small stack
- What to do when it is middle stack vs big stack
- Strategies for middle stack vs middle stack
- How to adjust to Nits, Maniacs, Calling Stations and much more on the bubble
- Live post flop ICM hand reviews
- How to get the most out of ICM training drill software like DTO
- Live hand analysis from High Roller final tables
- New content being added all the time
NOTE: You don't need to own a solver to master post flop ICM, but you do need to know what the solvers are teaching the rest of us. That is what this course does.
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